MRB Automation GmbHHall 5 - Stand 5310
- Turnkey assembly systems according to system type
- Micro-assembly systems
- Industrial robots and manipulators
- Industrial robots for medical technology
- Measuring and test technology
- Tactile measuring technology
- Devices and test benches for leak tests and fluidic function tests
- Systems for electrical function tests
- Turnkey end-of-the-line inspection systems
- Optical testing
- Miscellaneous measuring and test technology
- Image processing for measurement and testing
- Inspection and sorting systems for small parts
Additional information
Active Alignment System
MRB Automation’s Active Alignment systems sets new standards in the precise optical alignment of camera systems. By utilizing the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), it ensures high image quality and precision. MTF measures how effectively an optical system can transfer contrast from an ...more