Technical lecture

Smart project management means < 20% project costs with > 30% productivity

08. October 2024 from 14:00 to 14:15 Clock
Hall 5/Booth 5310
Alexander Sascha Isakov, SCIO Automation GmbH, Frankenthal (Pfalz)
Product group: Turnkey assembly systems according to system type
Efficient project management is now a prerequisite for economically successful project execution. Without consistent and transparent data management and the targeted communication of information to all project participants, frictional losses arise that no one today can afford in terms of time or money. Smart project management enables the transparent capture and presentation of all project and engineering data, as well as the current engineering status across all trades. Status updates and changes are communicated automatically, even to colleagues on the go via the app. Ideally, the EPLAN documentation is generated directly from this data. This eliminates frictional losses, redundant data storage, and inconsistencies within the data.