Four months to go: Motek and Bondexpo pick up speed

A unique communication and business platform in terms of current and future production systems will be the next Motek, which will take place from 07. to October 10, 2019, together with Bondexpo in Stuttgart is on the industry calendar. The two complementary trade events staged by trade fair promoter P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG together are a reflection of the dynamically changing industrial manufacturing practice. Trade visitors will find answers to their questions on the way to the Smart Factory in the usual practical atmosphere.
It is the 38th Motek and the 13th Bondexpo, which have long been noted in the calendar of the trade public as a trade fair double. Both trade shows are designed to be pragmatic – the focus is on the practical applicability and feasibility of solutions for industrial production. It is shown that digitization and integration are not buzzwords, but a usable reality. Motek – International Trade Fair for Production and Assembly Automation represents the complete world of rapidly changing process automation. Nowhere else can trade show visitors get a comparably comprehensive picture of what the modern industrial manufacturing process must look like as an overall system in the context of progressive, end-to-end digitization of automation in order to be efficient and economical. Motek 2019 will show that customers and users of today and tomorrow already have industrially usable and thus future-proof solutions at their disposal. The industry highlight has long since become a welcome must-attend event for all design engineers, users and production managers looking for practical solutions for modern industrial manufacturing and assembly.
Motek and Bondexpo: Mutual Complementation with Increasing Internationality
Alongside Motek, Bondexpo – International Trade Fair for Adhesive Bonding Technology is also a trend-setting industry get-together with a consistent focus on topics relating to industrial joining and bonding. The clear focus on the joining/bonding process chain through bonding, potting, sealing and foaming supports the user in current and future challenges with regard to different materials, cost-effectiveness, quality, reliability as well as efficient processes within the manufacturing operation. Both industry highlights, Motek and Bondexpo, reflect the changing production landscape.
Digitization and networking: Motek is smart, but understandable
There is no shortage of buzzwords, not even in everyday industrial life: unit number-flexible variant production, digitalization, Industry 4.0, Smart Factory, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cyber security …. These trends represent a huge upheaval and reveal new, previously unknown possibilities and potential, but they also cause uncertainty – not least in assembly automation. Networking and Big Data are already topics in many companies, but trade visitors from industrial manufacturing still have unanswered questions about this. “Together with our exhibitors and cooperation partners, such as the Landesnetzwerk Mechatronik Baden-Württemberg e.V. with the further developed Arena of Integration, trade visitors at Motek will receive concrete answers to questions about the production of tomorrow,” Bettina Schall, Managing Director of P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG, agrees.
Industrial manufacturing presented in a consistent and integrated manner
At Motek, trade visitors will experience the topics surrounding production and assembly automation from material receipt through all process steps including quality assurance, labeling, packaging to picking and intralogistics. The thematic structure, which is consistently oriented to everyday production, ensures quick orientation and short distances for exhibitors and trade visitors. Visitors to the trade fair will find assembly systems, handling technology, robots, joining and screwdriving technology, material flow and conveyor systems, measuring and testing technology as well as drives, controls, sensors and software. Trade visitors are interested in the manufacturing process as an overall system in the context of progressive, end-to-end digitization of automation. Because no product, no plant stands alone anymore. Motek 2019 aims to show that comprehensive integration is a usable reality in everyday industry.
Modern assembly on all communication channels
The trade fair location Stuttgart has the advantage of excellent accessibility. Trade visitors benefit from the well thought-out hall concept of Motek/Bondexpo and the short distances. They also benefit from this unique information and business platform because it enjoys due international attention. In addition, knowledge transfer takes place in a unique way – via technical discussions with the exhibitors, via the “Arena of Integration”, which has been further developed in terms of content, and via the two-day “Modern Assembly” congress accompanying the trade show – all in one place. These different communication channels offer trade visitors a practical and direct exchange of ideas and provide them with practicable solutions that they need for their field of work. Followers of Assembly Automation stay up to date via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and, of course, the homepage.