Motek/Bondexpo 2020: Next step towards the Digital Factory

The 39th Motek – International Trade Fair for Production and Assembly Automation – together with the 14th Bondexpo – International Trade Fair for Adhesive Technologies – is entering the new year with momentum and preparing for the second edition of the integrative theme park Arena of Integration (AoI). Participating companies will meet for a kick-off at the ICS Stuttgart at the beginning of February 2020 to expand the cooperations that have been initiated. AoI, the highlight of Motek, will continue to put connectivity into practice in the new year.
Maintaining one’s own competitiveness is more urgent than ever. Particularly in times of a weakening economy, industrial users are looking for automation solutions that can be implemented practically in order to fulfill their respective production tasks efficiently, economically and sustainably. Trade fair promoter P. E. Schall, in cooperation with the Mechatronics Baden-Württemberg state network, has shown where the journey is headed for industrial manufacturing processes: digitization requires networking, holistic engineering and cooperative project implementation. At Motek 2019, the AoI, with 34 practical use cases, turned into a milestone that was noticed by all, as the participating companies worked closely together to present networked Industrie 4.0 solutions in a practical, hands-on way and provided concrete answers to current questions about intelligent production and process chains in conjunction with digital applications.
Arena of Integration: Networking locally, customer benefits worldwide
Thomas Bonschab, Managing Director TiNC International GmbH, noted in 2019: “The Arena of Integration is the best example of how German technology companies are world leaders, especially when they network and perform together. What we can experience at the Arena is not only a unique and innovative approach to trade fair design. It is also the key to how German medium-sized “hidden champions” can position themselves internationally in the future.”
Dr. Kurt Schmalz, managing partner of J. Schmalz GmbH stated, “With the new concept, the trade fair organizer Schall is offering visitors the chance to obtain compact information on a wide variety of aspects of digitalization.” The AoI met with broad approval and much enthusiasm among trade visitors and guests, including foreign delegations and representatives from politics. Statements via text and video clips are available at and
Network leverages complementary expertise
Participating companies at the AoI underline their globally significant status by demonstrating that they are networked and work together with automation partners to develop practical solutions for customers and users for everyday industrial use. Through the cooperation, the AoI participants benefit both the customers and each other, because concrete and directly marketable results are created. The networking platform helps to overcome the multifaceted challenges in the digitization of corporate processes. In this respect, the world’s leading trade fair for production and assembly automation 2019 has set a milestone with the AoI concept: The networking of players with complementary competencies and forward-looking solution concepts is the royal road to innovative success.
Arena of Communication: communicating via networking
Smart Solutions for Production and Assembly – this is the core of Motek in the new year as well. Trade visitors will find practical topics and their networking as well as realistic process sequences that are not presented anywhere else in this holistic form. The trade fair duo Motek/Bondexpo is traditionally a user-oriented “working trade fair” and therefore deepens the AoI concept – also in communication. With the Arena of Communication (AoC), speakers and interested parties already had an ideal communication platform for exchange and know-how transfer in 2019. In 2020, AoC will become the central information, communication and business platform with content on the Motek/Bondexpo trade fair duo, AoI, uscases, statements and interviews.
Participants of AoI 2020 are welcome to attend the kick-off meeting at the beginning of February at the ICS Stuttgart – for further information please contact Rainer Färber (r.faerber(at) The next industry event Motek/Bondexpo – flanked by the second edition of the integrative theme park AoI – will take place from 05. until 08 October 2020 will take place.